Contemplations from My International Life & Travels
Understanding Culture, Society and Politics
We’ve never heard the other side of the story—how people were forced to choose between following Hitler or death. How when any one of us under duress is faced with the same question, our natural instinct is to choose life. How the Russians invaded East Germany in tanks, plowing, raping and pillaging as they went. How my husband’s grandmother and aunt fled for their lives in the wake of Russian occupation.
We don’t know because we don’t ask. We only remember history as it is told to us. Remembrance is good so that we do not repeat the mistakes of the past, but remembrance for its own sake only leads to shame. And shame will never let anyone move on.
“Unfortunately, it is in human nature to allow evil to mature, to stand up against humanity. It then destroys and kills. It launches aggression and breaks people’s lives. You and us have already fought together against such great evil. You and us already have the experience of defeating the evil that is generated by human nature. I’m not saying there will be no more wars after the war ends. No. It is impossible to completely erase evil from human nature. Yet it is within our power to guarantee with words and deeds that the light side of human nature will prevail” (Zelensky’s address to the British Parliament, February 8, 2023).
If I were Zelensky, this is what I imagine I would say…
I see you.
The light in your eyes.
Your soul knows rest.
You have no fear.
You wear compassion for my country like a flag and embrace us with open arms and kind words.
I thank you for that.
Now, if you would but listen…