Christian Conspiracy Theorists
The Dark Cult of QAnon
Do you know what one of the precursors is for deadly genocidal violence? Hate-filled conspiracy theories.
Hitler copied this same conspiracy from anti-Jewish propaganda and brought its lies to life in his imagination.
QAnon is Nazism resurfaced.
When we will learn?
A legend stems from Man’s first few hundred years on earth.
It’s a story of angels descending to earth. Out of lust, they propagate with human women and create a super race. These half-human, half-god beings carry ancient, divine knowledge from heaven, knowledge that would advance earth to parallel heaven. But because the knowledge was stolen from Heaven, it becomes dark and twisted. It turns all away from the light, perverting its purveyors, creating a Master Plan so dark and terrible that it will destroy and extinguish humanity. They must keep their knowledge secret, only to be revealed at the proper time.
The legend prophesies that in the end, there will be an apocalyptic battle between darkness and light, evil and good. If this secret cabal is not exposed and defeated by the righteous, they will desecrate the human race and take over the world.
You think QAnon is new? It’s not.
QAnon began thousands of years ago, and its lies have been fed and perpetuated over and over again by naïve and ignorant minds.
At this moment in time on earth amidst the exposure of white, male-dominated societies, a divided country with misunderstanding and accusation on each side, not to mention a global pandemic,we’re desperately frightened. Hate has distilled the air. Truth has become relative. Social justice is defined through the eyes of the beholder. The world is heading in a direction that we cannot make sense of. It feels like everything is spiraling out of control, or at least our control. There is no such thing as a clear definition of anything anymore because everything is defined on a spectrum of thought. Good is now being defined as evil, and evil is being defined as good.
Being out of control is scary. When we’re frightened, anger is a natural response mechanism. It certainly feels better and more powerful than defeat and powerlessness, and the realization that we can’t do anything to change the situation. But when we’re overcome by anger, we don’t see correctly, and it becomes easy to create our own truth out of fear. Human psychology dictates this fact.
You see, we as humans live inside stories. When the story isn’t complete in our head, the circular thought isn’t complete, and we can’t make sense of our world. So, we create endings for our stories. But we don’t just want an ending that we can understand—we want a good ending, a just ending, and we define our truth the way we want it to be.
The reality is that sometimes the stories of our lives are incomplete. Sometimes, life doesn’t make sense. Still, that does not justify the stark disillusionment it takes to fall down a rabbit hole of cult conspiracy.
Let me ask you if this sounds familiar?
“A secret cabal is taking over the world. They kidnap children, slaughter, and eat them to gain power from their blood. They control high positions in government, banks, international finance, the news media, and the church. They want to disarm the police. They promote homosexuality and pedophilia. They plan to mongrelize the white race so it will lose its essential power.”[1]
This is not a description of Q’s prophesies. This statement is a paraphrase of the conspiracy theories promoted by Mein Kampf, Hitler’s autobiography (now forbidden in Germany), summarized and quoted by Dr. Gregory Stanton, the Founder of Genocide Watch , an international movement to prevent and stop genocide. Hitler copied this same conspiracy from anti-Jewish propaganda and brought its lies to life in his imagination.
QAnon is Nazism resurfaced.
When we will learn?
A Neo-Nazi QAnon group in Germany now has over 200,000 followers…
Let that sink in. This isn’t a game. It isn’t a joke. It’s not an innocent social club. “To look at QAnon is to see not just a conspiracy theory but the birth of a new religion. The eventual destruction of the global cabal is imminent, Q prophesies, but can be accomplished only with the support of patriots who search for meaning in Q’s clues.”[2]
“Birkenkopf,” or Rubble Hill, a mound of WWII wreckage forming the highest hill in the middle of Stuttgart, Germany.
Do you know what one of the precursors is for deadly genocidal violence? Hate-filled conspiracy theories.[3] The FBI declared QAnon a “domestic terror threat” because of its “potential to incite extremist violence.”[4]
As a spiritual person, what is perhaps most disturbing to me is that this cult has dug its claws into the minds of Evangelical Christians. This same disillusionment has taken over Christian movements in history time and time again. So many atrocities have been committed in His name, in the name of God. This fact rips my heart and soul apart.
Historical Conspiracy Theories
Perhaps Christians need a scapegoat, someone who is causing evil to make up for things that we don’t understand, a target on which to focus our anger and discontent in a senseless world.[5]
World beware: Christians have always had scapegoats.
What drove the Christian Crusades to retake the Holy Land?
A hate-filled conspiracy theory.
Christians raped, pillaged and conquered innocent lands and people because “God wants us to have the Holy Land back.” No mention of Jews. No mention of the fact that the Holy Land doesn’t even belong to non-Jews.
Medieval priests prophesied a coming apocalypse between good and evil on earth. The Savior would be a Christian king or queen. The evil despondents this time round? Those that believed differently than the Church.
It was rumored that Jews kidnapped Christian children and engaged in secret, magical rites with the children’s blood and holy communion wafers. This secret rite would cause the Christians to become mad and Jews would take over the world.[6]
Have you studied the pictures from the torture machines used during the Inquisition?
I have.
Have you walked the same ground that was soaked with the blood of executed holocaust victims?
I have, in Croatia and Germany.
Have you looked into the eyes and listened to the stories of someone who has fought in war?
I have. The Vietnam War and the Bosnian War.
Have you stood underground in a chamber stacked full of thousands of skulls from humans massacred in the Rwandan genocide?
I have.
Wars become real when you stand in their lane, follow in their footsteps, and it changes you.
See the familiar train of thought perpetuated none other than by Christians?
A secret cabal.
Evil rituals.
An apocalyptic battle between good and evil on earth.
Building facades from WWII on “Birkenkopf,” or Rubble Hill, in the middle of Stuttgart, Germany.
The story is the same; the only thing that’s changed is the victim—the scapegoat on which society’s vengeance lies. It causes me to wonder what could have been prevented if we had just paid attention? Shared knowledge.
In the Bible, Jesus promoted forgiveness for those who have sinned, or committed a crime. Yet by the year A.D. 382 “heretics,” or those who believed differently than the established Church were given over to local governments to be put to death, their property seized.
From then on it was a cascade of vengeance, an unstoppable waterfall of justification of evil and harm toward those who “believe differently.”
Us and them.
Jesus only ever used the pronoun, “we” of inclusion—not exclusion—and included women, children and Gentiles, non-Jews, in everything He said.
There is no “us” and “them.” There is only “we.”
The hashtag #savethechildren was originally associated with a well-intentioned non-profit, but QAnon followers jumped on board stating that if you don’t save the children from the blood-sucking high society Democrats, you were in favor of sex-trafficking.[7]
Sound familiar?
If you don’t support the controversial Black Lives Matter movement, you’re a white supremacist, racist bigot.
If you support Biden-Harris, you’re murdering unborn babies.
Intense vitriol waits among both ranks, the left and the right. Well, I have news for you: The secret cabal isn’t Democrats.
QAnon is a Cult
Let’s turn it around. If you parley with QAnon, you’re participating in a precursor to deadly genocidal violence. Some on the far-right are traveling so far down into darkness that history is on the brink of repeating itself if we don’t intervene.
World beware.
World, please wake up!
Meanwhile Q remains in his quiet, anonymous corner of the Internet. Why doesn’t he reveal himself? Because if we find out that he’s just an ordinary person simply playing games with millions of naïve people, the magic will be over. The mystery gone. Then we’ll have to face the truth that we do not wish to see about our world.
If we learn just one thing from history, let it be that it repeats itself.
There is evil in this world…
But there is also always good.
And good always wins in the end, if we allow it to.
[1] “QAnon Is a Nazi Cult, Rebranded,” Just Security, November 18, 2020,
[2] Story by Adrienne LaFrance, “The Prophecies of Q,” The Atlantic (Atlantic Media Company, September 24, 2020),
[3] “QAnon Is a Nazi Cult, Rebranded,” Just Security, November 18, 2020,
[4] “Homeland Security Digital Library,” Homeland Security Digital Library, accessed February 25, 2021,
[5] Joseph M. Pierre, “The Allure of QAnon: Cult, Conspiracy, and Role-Playing Game,” Psychology Today (Sussex Publishers, September 27, 2020),
[6] Reston, James. Dogs of God , 201–3. London: Faber, 2006.
[7] Kevin Roose, “QAnon Followers Are Hijacking the #SaveTheChildren Movement,” The New York Times (The New York Times, August 12, 2020),