Spiritual Thoughts for the Non-Religious Soul
When I am in touch with my past—the earlier part of my life spent far away in a foreign land—I remember how much it taught me. It reminds me of why I am the way I am and where my ideals and values come from...
Why I tend to immediately trust others, believing in their good intentions; why I do not care for the fickle or mundane; why I have an aversion to pretense, especially on social media, and crave deep, intimate conversations; and why I do not care to appear perfectly manicured, but would rather be real and sometimes raw. My past teaches me that these ideals are not wrong.
And then I understand why at times I have struggled being a leader in the culture around me if only for the lack of value for integrity, excellence, and behavior that is excused as “just business.” I understand why I value relationships above all else, why I would not only die for my family, but also my friends.
Rest doesn’t mean doing nothing. It means giving your heart permission to choose how and when to do all that is required of you. It’s the difference between ‘I have to,’ and ‘I want to.’